3 Steps to Heal Your Womb for Pleasure

Aug 15, 2024

When the topic of pleasure comes up for women, rarely do we consider the placement of our internal organs. If we educate ourselves on feminine health and heal our wombs, maybe we could stop playing whack-a-mole with health symptoms.

A recent visit to my naturopathic doctor led me to wonder how many women are walking around the streets unconscious of their dislocated uteri? Many ladies suffer from an inability to experience pleasure in bed with their partners and/or intense PMS symptoms. Young women are taking birth control pills early in their pre-teen and teenage years which disrupts their bodies’ homeostasis. While it seemingly regulates menstruation, the ovulation process is skipped which leads to deceiving the body into believing it is pregnant every day besides the days when the pill is omitted. Hormones rage, forced menstruation occurs, while the body never gets to experience its “spring” or ovulatory phase.

Wombs, in their spiritual sense, represent bowls and containment. It should be no surprise, given this knowledge, that the cleanliness of these sacred containers should be upkept. Prior to house cleaning this vessel, it is paramount to ensure it is in the right placement among all organs in the pelvic region. The causes of an improperly placed uterus can vary from modern work and life, multiple pregnancies, wearing high heels, sexual abuse, chronic constipation, and more. Symptoms that occur based on how the uterus sits in the body, for instance tilted forward/back, to the left or right side, can include yeast infections, ovarian cysts, painful cycles, leg swelling, low back ache, feeling like your partner is hitting up against a wall during sex. Step one of healing the womb involves a Mayan massage and proper placement of the organ. Women can either reach out to me for a self-care practice I learned from my naturopath or find a certified practitioner near them for an in-person visit.

After the adjustment, old sludge that has been unable to be removed through the menstruation process comes out over the course of days/weeks. During the cycle when blood is shed, a misaligned uterus could create a shelf for blood that is meant to be cleared out to get stuck. In the energetic sense, this could appear as an inability to let go. Physical removal of old blood can gently help the mind release past hurt, disappointment, betrayal, and other emotions.



Once the uterus is in its correct position, women can then focus on energetic hygiene by conducting a yoni steam, and eventually delve deeper into their sensuality. Yoni steams cleanse the vulva and inner vagina of imprints left from past lovers, sexual abuse, traumas related to past lives, birth stories, or abortions. The warm steam rises and relaxes the muscles of the pelvic region, which releases stored emotions from the hips, and lessens PMS symptoms for women. Depending on the herbs in the mixture, different metaphysical properties are invited into this ritual. Due to the intimate nature of Yoni steams, it is best to use organic herbs. Step two of healing the womb is gifting our Yonis with a spiritual shower.

Once we have done our due diligence of ensuring the uterus is in its proper place and followed up with a cleansing ritual, we are ready to invite bliss into our womb. One of my favorite phrases during my studies is “soft belly, open heart.” A delicate massage from the right side of the belly, up, and down the left side is a wonderful way to soften this area. This is a good time to use the cervix wand for external massage. Use the bulbous end to rub from the edge of your pelvic bowl down to the top of the pubic bone. Start on one side then move onto the next. Upon arousal, let the wand make its way to the entrance of the Yoni and explore.

There are tools available to support your womb’s health on my Etsy store that you can check out here. Get connected to your inner goddess through a special blend of SX & the City Goddess Tea: Women’s Health. Grab a glass massage wand to take your self pleasure rituals to new heights. Remember (1) Uterus placement (2) Energetic Hygiene (3) Pleasure Invitation


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