Herbs for Divine Feminine

herbs womb Aug 28, 2024

Herbs have been an integral part of healing for centuries and women’s health is no different. Many women in the modern world are suffering from PMS, menopause symptoms, negligible libido, UTI’s, yeast infections, to name a few of the issues plaguing our bodies. While there is an abundance of herbal remedies to try depending on symptoms, this article highlights those of highest importance for women’s general wellness. They are available as tea blends via my Etsy.

The SX & the City Goddess Tea: Women’s Health and Throat Chakra came from my own experience of the benefits of red raspberry leaf tea during intense PMS pains and mullein for owning my voice. The other ingredients that I consciously chose to incorporate evoke feminine energy and connect women to their sensuality. After supporting my clients’ womb health, I noticed a common theme among women being unable to express their truth. Throat chakras were blocked and an inability to voice the body’s needs became too loud to ignore. The SX & the City Goddess Tea: Throat Chakra was born. 

Rose is in the name of my online shop, Essence of Rose, because of its natural feminine association and it is one of the highest vibrational flowers, 320 MHz. The metaphor is in its delicate petals and thorns on the stem. Women have a gentleness and simultaneously a fierceness that cuts through any nonsense standing in the way of accomplishing our purpose. The rose is evocative of sensuality, love, beauty, passion. It is related to the heart chakra and opens the devotee to knowledge kept close to the heart. Roses are associated with goddesses such as Aphrodite, Isis, Venus.

In tea this flower helps relieve premenstrual cramping, pain, constipation, anxiety, and sleep issues. It is widely used in skincare and can have a positive effect on your inner and outer beauty when brewed in a tea. There is scientific evidence that proves rose has a hypnotic effect in the body, potentially due to it containing flavonoids and terpenes. It is the perfect complement for traveling within to explore one’s sensuality. Brew a cup of one of the SX & the City tea blends containing Egyptian organic rose.

Lavender is a herb largely associated with promoting relaxation and easing the body into sleep mode. Its purple color is a symbol for royalty, clairvoyance, and innocence. It represents the crown chakra and signifies calm, divine protection, and clarity in divination. Lavender is associated with goddesses like Hekate and Artemis. It has been used in rituals for psychic protection and sleep spells, with dried petals kept in a satchel under a pillow to keep away nightmares.

In tea this herb has a soothing effect on the body and can do wonders for your digestive system. It reduces muscle spasms and bloating. It can stop nausea and eliminate gas. However due to its ability to promote blood flow in menstruation, it is not recommended to ingest during pregnancy. In the throat edition tea, it adds to the effect of other herbs; lavender is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. It kills bacteria and makes it easier on the chest, lungs, and throat for air to flow in the respiratory system. Due to its powerful effect on a woman’s body, French organic lavender is used in both of the tea blends.

Shatavari is translated from Sanskrit to mean “a woman with one thousand husbands.” Shatavari (female) is said to be the ‘yin’ complement to ashwagandha (male) ‘yang.’ It is a beautiful accompaniment for women’s bodies because it supports the female reproductive system. It is related to the heart and crown chakra, connecting women deeper to their hearts’ desires and listening to the wisdom of their bodies. It can be included in magick practices to honor the divine feminine and invoke messages from the spiritual realm. It is associated with the goddess Durga. 

In tea this root nourishes and strengthens the uterus. It has a beautifying effect on skin by improving elasticity and firmness. When brewed, this root is a potent aphrodisiac. As its translation suggests, it is a powerful libido booster and sensitizes female genitalia. It improves fertility, promotes healthy cervical mucus, and regulates menstrual cycle. It is a demulcent; its properties lubricate the throat and vagina and minimize dry membranes. It protects the internal vagina from infections, irritation, and swelling as well as reducing inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus. It is beneficial to women during all cycles of life because it nourishes the fetus, provides lactation support, delays aging in the brain cells, and supports menopause. Due to Shatavari being synonymous with femininity, and its profound benefit on women’s health it is included in both tea blends.

Mullein is a herb known for supporting the respiratory system. It helps to clear mucus and is helpful for ex smokers to soothe the lungs. It is related to the throat chakra and symbolizes the fire element. It is related to the planet Saturn and emits a deep grounding and protective state. It exudes a transformative energy and can be used in rituals that are meant to honor big change. Throat chakra work is important for women as many are unable to voice their truth. Women struggle to communicate their authentic emotions to themselves and others. Mullein is a great partner for this spiritual work. It protects and purifies the spirit. Mullein is associated with the goddesses Hekate and Lilith. 

In a tea this flower reduces the body’s allergen responses, making it a wonderful tea to sip on during spring days with pollen in the air. It is closely associated with the upper respiratory tract and used to soothe sore throats. Its antibacterial and antiviral properties suggest it is best to consume during season transitions when cold and flu symptoms can start. Throats are a vulnerable body part and mimic the Yoni. Mullein can be used in protection spells to create healthy boundaries for both of these areas. Protecting the pathway that enters our digestive tract, what we swallow physically and metaphorically, can help women show up to the world in a confident way. This flower is found in the SX & the City Goddess Tea: Throat Chakra.

Red Raspberry Leaf is a herb renowned for its positive effect on women’s reproductive system. Its benefits extend to women of all stages in their life because it regulates hormone levels. It stabilizes mood swings and increases fertility. Red raspberry leaf relates to the heart chakra, sacral chakra and lunar energies. It is associated with the goddesses Eileithyia and Venus. As a holistic herb that nourishes women’s bodies, it is meant to unite a woman with her inner feminine resilience. Red raspberry leaf is a symbol of gentle protection, compassion, and abundance.

In tea this herb strengthens and tones the uterus. It is mostly associated with pregnancy and its efficacy for boosting milk production and supporting the uterus function during labor to reduce pain.  The tannins in red raspberry leaf stimulate the digestive system. It eases PMS symptoms such as bloating, cramping, and heavy bleeding. Ingesting too much can loosen stool and lead to diarrhea so depending upon the situation, proceed with caution. Due to its toning effect on the uterus, this herb is highlighted in the SX & the City Goddess Tea: Women’s Health blend.

Discovering the spiritual and physical influences of each herb helps us dive deeper into what a woman’s body is craving depending on the time of the cycle and life stage. The more in tune with intuition we become, the more we can rely on mother nature to nourish us from the soul level. Each ingredient included has its own story to tell if listened to closely with an open heart and silent meditation. Which flower or herb’s spiritual energy is intriguing you most? Check out both blends and start with the one calling to you.


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